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¿Dónde estarán las tasas hipotecarias en 12 meses?

¿Dónde estarán las tasas hipotecarias en 12 meses?

Una de las mayores interrogantes que azotan el mercado actual de la vivienda es, donde van a estar las tasas hipotecarias para esta época del próximo año. Durante los últimos dos meses, las tasas han empezado a aumentar (ver la gráfica)

Interest Rates.1

Though we don’t like to project rates moving forward, we do want you and your family to have the information you need in order to decide whether to wait before buying your first house or moving up to your ultimate dream home.

Here are the most current mortgage rate projections from Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the Mortgage Bankers’ Association and the National Association of Realtors.

Interest Rates.2

Projecting interest rates is not easy. So what should you do – do it now or wait? We like the advice Doug Duncan, senior vice president and chief economist at Fannie Mae, recently gave:

“The rule for when is it time to buy is always the same: given your household budget and where current interest rates are, if it makes good financial sense to take out a home loan today, then today is the day to do it.”

Bottom Line

If you are ready, willing and able and are thinking of buying a home over the next twelve months, waiting may not make sense.

Agents: Join us May 15 to thrive and not just survive in this new market reality.

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