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¿Cuánto quiere aumentar mi pago de alquiler?

¿Cuánto quiere aumentar mi pago de alquiler?

Recientemente informamos que las compras de inversión en 2014 cayeron 7.4 % en el año, eso combinado con una disminución del suministro del inventario de propiedades en subasta que permite grandes ganancias, tiene a los inversionistas en bienes raíces mirando por una forma nueva de hacer más dinero en 2015.

Así que si ellos no tienen nuevas propiedades para comprar… ¿cómo ellos pueden hacer más dinero? Fácil… ¡ellos van a aumentar su pago de alquiler!

A recent article from Bloomberg Business gave insight into exactly what the CEO’s of major investment firms are thinking.

“We are focusing aggressively on rent bumps,” American Residential Properties CEO Stephen Schmitz said during a panel discussion. “There’s a supply imbalance in some markets. The same thing that keeps occupancy high also drives rents.”

How Much Are They Going To Raise Your Rent?

Rental rates are predicted to increase 4% on renewals and as much as 5.7% for new tenants.

Haendel St. Juste, a Morgan Stanley analyst put it this way:

“The focus is now on optimizing revenue, compared to getting heads in beds,”

So What Can You Do?

If you are one of the millions of renters out there dreading the day that you have to renew your lease, or planning to move into a new rental property, let’s get together and evaluate your ability to lock in your housing cost, by buying now.

Agents: Join us May 15 to thrive and not just survive in this new market reality.

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