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Should I Wait to Put Down a Bigger Down Payment?

Some experts are advising that first time and move-up buyers wait until they save up 20% before they move forward with their decision to purchase a home. One of the main reasons they suggest waiting is that a buyer must purchase private mortgage insurance if they have less than the 20%. That increases the monthly payment the buyer will be responsible for.
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The Difference A Year Can Make [INFOGRAPHIC]

The Difference A Year Can Make [INFOGRAPHIC] | Simplifying The Market The Difference A Year Can Make [INFOGRAPHIC] | Simplifying The Market

Some Important Points To Consider:

  • The latest Freddie Mac Primary Mortgage Market Survey reports the 30-year fixed rate at 3.7%.
  • Freddie Mac's projection for Q2 2016 is that the rate will be 4.7% (a full percentage point higher)
  • The Home Price Expectation Survey predicts that home prices will appreciate by 4.4% during this same time

The impact waiting a year to purchase your dream home can make on your monthly payment is significant. Contact me today to discuss your options before the experts' predictions become reality!

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Housing Inventory Slowly Disappearing

The price of any item is determined by the supply of that item, and the market demand. The National Association of Realtors (NAR) released their latest Existing Home Sales Report this week.

Inventory Levels & Demand

Amidst reporting on the fact that sales of existing homes rose 1.2% from January, and outpaced year-over-year figures for the fifth consecutive month, was the news that total unsold housing inventory is at 4.6-month supply.

Is Another Bubble Forming?

After the housing market bust we experienced across the country in 2008, many experts have been quick to warn that a new bubble may be forming in some areas. One particular example of this is a recent article pointing toward the California Bay...

Home Prices: A 5-Year Outlook

With inventory presently below historically normal levels, current & future home prices have been the topic of many real estate conversations. The most recent Home Price Expectation Survey was just released; giving insight into where experts ...