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Watching the Stock Market? Check the Value of Your Home for Good News.

While watching the stock market recently may have started to feel pretty challenging, checking the value of your home should come as welcome relief in this volatile time. If you’re a homeowner, your net worth got a big boost over the past few years thanks to rising home prices. And that increase in your wealth came in the form of home equity. Here’s how it works.
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A Crucial First Step: Mortgage Pre-Approval [INFOGRAPHIC]

A Crucial First Step: Mortgage Pre-Approval [INFOGRAPHIC] | Simplifying The Market

Some Highlights

  • Mortgage pre-approval means a lender has reviewed your finances and, based on factors like your income, debt, and credit history, determined how much you’re qualified to borrow.
  • Being pre-approved for a loan can give you clarity while planning your homebuying budget, confidence in your ability to secure a loan, and helps sellers know your offer is serious.
  • Connect with a trusted professional to learn more and start your homebuying process today.
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Buyers Are Regaining Some of Their Negotiation Power in Today’s Housing Market

If you're thinking about buying a home today, there's welcome news. Even though it’s still a sellers’ market, it’s a more moderate sellers’ market than last year. And the days of feeling like you may need to waive contingencies or pay drastically over asking price to get your offer considered may be coming to a close.
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Why It’s So Important To Hire a Pro [INFOGRAPHIC]

Why It’s So Important To Hire a Pro [INFOGRAPHIC] | Simplifying The Market

Some Highlights

  • If you’re thinking of buying or selling a home, you’ll want a trusted real estate professional on your side for their industry experience and expert insights.
  • The right advisor utilizes the latest technology and can help you navigate today’s home pricing and market values, the contracts and fine print, and the negotiations you’ll face.
  • Let’s connect so you have expert advice each step of the way.
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New Homes May Have the Incentives You’re Looking for Today

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, this year, builders are on pace to complete more than a million new homes in this country. If you’ve had trouble finding a home to buy over the past year, it may be time to work with your trusted agent to consider a new build and the incentives that come with it. Here’s why.
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Buyers: You May Face Less Competition as Bidding Wars Ease

One of the top stories in recent real estate headlines was the intensity and frequency of bidding wars. With so many buyers looking to purchase a home and so few of them available for sale, fiercely competitive bidding wars became the norm during the pandemic – and it drove home prices up. If you tried to buy a house over the past two years, you probably experienced this firsthand and may have been outbid on several homes along the way.

A Trusted Real Estate Advisor Provides Expert Advice

If you’re a homeowner or are planning to become one soon, you’re probably looking for clear information about today’s housing market. And if you’ve turned to the news or even just read headlines recently, you might feel like you’re left with more questions than answers. The best way to make sure you get what you need is to work with an expert.
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What Would a Recession Mean for the Housing Market? [INFOGRAPHIC]

What Does a Recession Mean for the Housing Market? [INFOGRAPHIC] | Simplifying The Market

Some Highlights

  • If you’re wondering what a potential recession could mean for the housing market, here’s what history tells us.
  • In four of the last six recessions, home prices actually appreciated, only falling during the early 90s and the housing crash in 2008. Mortgage rates, though, declined during each of the previous recessions.
  • If you have questions about buying or selling a home in today’s market, let’s connect.
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Why You May Want To Start Your Home Search Today

If you’re thinking about buying a home, you likely have a lot of factors on your mind. You’re weighing your own needs against higher mortgage rates, today’s home prices, and more to try to decide if you want to jump into the market. While some buyers may wait things out, there’s a reason serious buyers are making moves right now, and that’s the growing number of homes for sale.
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Why Today’s Housing Inventory Proves the Market Isn’t Headed for a Crash

Whether or not you owned a home in 2008, you likely remember the housing crash that took place back then. And news about an economic slowdown happening today may bring all those concerns back to the surface. While those feelings are understandable, data can help reassure you the situation today is nothing like it was in 2008.
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Why a Home Inspection Is Important [INFOGRAPHIC]

Why a Home Inspection Is Important [INFOGRAPHIC] | Simplifying The Market

Some Highlights

  • If you’re buying a home, here’s what you should know about your home inspection and why it’s so important.
  • A home inspection is a crucial step in the homebuying process. It assesses the condition of the home you plan to purchase so you can avoid costly surprises down the road.
  • Let’s connect so you have an expert on your side to guide you through the process.
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Experts Increase 2022 Home Price Projections

If you’re wondering if home prices are going to come down due to the cooldown in the housing market or a potential recession, here’s what you need to know. Not only are experts forecasting home prices will continue to appreciate nationwide this year, but most of them also actually increased their projections for home price appreciation from their original 2022 forecasts (shown in green in the chart below):
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What Would a Recession Mean for the Housing Market?

According to a recent survey from the Wall Street Journal, the percentage of economists who believe we’ll see a recession in the next 12 months is growing. When surveyed in July 2021, only 12% of economists consulted thought there’d be a recession by now. But this July, when polled, 49% believe we will see a recession in the coming 12 months.
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Why Experts Say the Housing Market Won’t Crash [INFOGRAPHIC]

Why Experts Say the Housing Market Won’t Crash [INFOGRAPHIC] | Simplifying The Market

Some Highlights

  • Many people remember the housing crash in 2008, but experts say today’s market is fundamentally different in many ways.
  • First, there isn’t an oversupply of homes for sale today. Plus, lending standards are much tighter, and homeowners have record levels of equity. That means signs say there won’t be a wave of foreclosures like the last time.
  • If you have questions about the housing market, let’s connect.
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Housing Market Forecast for the Rest of 2022 [INFOGRAPHIC]

Housing Market Forecast for the Rest of 2022 [INFOGRAPHIC] | Simplifying The Market

Some Highlights

  • The housing market is shifting away from the intensity of the past two years. Here’s what experts project for the remainder of 2022.
  • Home prices are forecast to rise more moderately than last year. Mortgage rates will respond to inflation, and home sales will be more in line with pre-pandemic years.
  • Let’s connect so you can make your best move this year.
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3 Graphs To Show This Isn’t a Housing Bubble

With all the headlines and buzz in the media, some consumers believe the market is in a housing bubble. As the housing market shifts, you may be wondering what’ll happen next. It’s only natural for concerns to creep in that it could be a repeat of what took place in 2008. The good news is, there’s concrete data to show why this is nothing like the last time.